Sydney Opera House. Not really the best photo, just thought I'd add it in here anyway though. The photo was taken from the Harbour Bridge. Aperture f/9.0. Photo taken March 2011.
Interesting-looking apartment block in Sydney. Aperture 6.3. Photo taken March 2011.
Yet another pretty flower :) Aperture 5.6, natural light. Photo taken December 2010.
I should probably mention - most of the photos I take are in natural light as I prefer not to use flash unless it's really necessary.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Blue Mountains. Aperture f/4.0. Photo taken January 2009 (Sorry these photos aren't in any kind of order, hopefully from now on they'll be in chronological order to make it a bit less confusing...)
Lily. f/ 5.6, natural light. Photo taken November 2010.